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Shailesh Godbole

Joined Dec 2020
Backed 1
Created 1

Shailesh Godbole was born and raised in Mumbai, India. He moved to Oregon to pursue his Masters degree. He developed a taste for craft beer in Oregon. He has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2003. Shailesh has worked full time as a software professional for many large companies in the bay area. On the weekends, he plays golf and brews craft beer. Shailesh loves cooking food and learning languages from all parts of Asia. He likes karaoke and sings in multiple languages. He is also a big supporter of yoga and eastern medicine. Shailesh joined a Vietnamese professional group in 2009. He made many lasting friendships with members from the group. Shailesh developed an interest in charitable causes and joined charitable groups in the Vietnamese community. He participated in the BeCause Charity Mission to Vietnam in 2014. Since then he has a passion for helping underprivileged children especially from minorities for acquiring basic education. He hopes that these children will someday obtain higher education and have the opportunity to achieve their goals.

Joined Dec 2020
Backed 1
Created 1

Shailesh Godbole was born and raised in Mumbai, India. He moved to Oregon to pursue his Masters degree. He developed a taste for craft beer in Oregon. He has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2003. Shailesh has worked full time as a software professional for many large companies in the bay area. On the weekends, he plays golf and brews craft beer. Shailesh loves cooking food and learning languages from all parts of Asia. He likes karaoke and sings in multiple languages. He is also a big supporter of yoga and eastern medicine. Shailesh joined a Vietnamese professional group in 2009. He made many lasting friendships with members from the group. Shailesh developed an interest in charitable causes and joined charitable groups in the Vietnamese community. He participated in the BeCause Charity Mission to Vietnam in 2014. Since then he has a passion for helping underprivileged children especially from minorities for acquiring basic education. He hopes that these children will someday obtain higher education and have the opportunity to achieve their goals.


created by Shailesh Godbole

School Statistics Number of Students: 316 | 22% Low Income | 21% Minority Current Conditions & Needs from School Sch...
80% Funded
$2,500 Goal
0 Days to go