The Backpack Journey plans to deliver basic education supplies to underprivileged students. School necessity as simple as a backpack can many ways alter the way students go to school. The cost so little, yet struggling families simply cannot afford. Very often, due to financial hardships, thousands of children suffer without any form of education, even basic reading and writing. Our primary focus is to give these children a chance to learn. Our program aims to feed underprivileged children, one by one with opportunities so they can walk to school, so their families can provide for themselves and become self sustain a healthy way of living. This will be one of many important milestones to make a vast difference in children’s lives by first supplying the necessary educational materials and supplies. In December 2014, BeCause team will be delivering over a450 backpacks to students at Thanh Son Elementary & Middle Schools located in mountainous areas and rural district of Khanh Son, Vietnam. By visiting the communities to see how the money is being spent and ensuring that our donors’ support is being delivered right into the community is critical in our process. Please follow our journey!
Backpack journey
This campaign
successfully reached its
funding goal and ended
10 years ago
Anomynous | $1,000
Clara Chong | $500
Lucille Sutton | $50
Bachvan Nguyen | $100
Randy Diemert | $200
Kiko the Pug | $55
Shelly Nowell | $100
Anomynous | $200
Leslie Fryers | $500
Maggie Huynh | $100
Anton Hoang | $100
Blair Nixon | $500
Lien Fetting | $100
Tonny Tang | $200
Phat Nguyen | $10
Thao Tran | $10
Ginny N | $25
Khoa Nguyen | $100