Bo De Temple Orphanage

0% Funded
$0 Pledged
$0 Goal
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This campaign
successfully reached its
funding goal and ended
13 years ago

BeCause visited the Bo De Temple Orphanage. This is our 2nd year visiting this orphanage. Facts:

  • Location: Long Bien District, Hanoi City (at the foot of Long Bien Bridge)
  • Number of orphans: 150+
  • Number of elders: 20+

Bo De Temple is a historical and spiritual destination for many Hanoians and visitors from all over Vietnam and oversea. The temple was established in the early 15th century. Under the guidance of the monk Thich Dam Lan, the temple started open its door to accept orphans and homeless elders. Since then the temple has grown to over 150 orphans and 20 homeless elders. The current facility is over capacity. The kids are crowded in small rooms with multiple bunk beds. There is definitely no storage space. The temple has to build out a temporary covered space for elders at the front yard. The living conditions are extremely poor. What we provided:

  • Foods (rice, green bean, cooking oil, noodles, cookies, candies)
  • Medicines from the U.S.




Project Champion


16 campaigns

Formed in 2011 after a team of friends joined together to embark on a new humanitarian journey in Vietnam. Our very first and successful charity mission brought along many grateful memories and a tremendous rewarding experience which ignited our passion to continue our work to help those in need.


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