
The Backpack Journey plans to deliver the basic education supplies to underprivileged students. School necessity as simp...
128% Funded
$3,000 Goal
0 Days to go
Our focus is to help people suffering from an injury or illness build strength and flexibility find their way back to pe...
0% Funded
$0 Goal
0 Days to go
The project creates a sustainable hub for the community in Gia Bac to gradually improve and raise awareness of education...
0% Funded
$4,000 Goal
0 Days to go
A library for community where children have more access to additional reading materials & villagers can use the spac...
0% Funded
$0 Goal
0 Days to go
The use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War as well as the application of harmful chemicals in farming result in incr...
0% Funded
$0 Goal
0 Days to go