Phuoc Khanh Elementary School

28% Funded
$700 Pledged
$2,500 Goal
8 Backers

This campaign
failed to reach its
funding goal
1 year ago

School Statistics
  • Number of Students: 268 | 10% Low Income 
Current Conditions & Needs from School
  • BeCause has made a remarkable impact on the educational system in terms of transforming the literacy skills into Raglai ethnic students in the last 6 years in Bac Ai and Thuan Bac. Our strategy in the years of 2023 – 2026 will scale up our library model in Ninh Phuoc and Ninh Son.

  • Upon our current field trip in May, the DoET & teachers stated that school has an existing library in pretty dismal shape – dark and cluttered. There are not enough books and most are knowledge/text books. School wanted to promote the literacy skills and create quiet library reading nooks and reading circles for underprivileged students, but can hardly afford it due to limited budget.

  • The current state of the library room is being used for storage and not conducive to leaning and attractive for the students to come.

  • BeCause’s recent library projects in Ninh Son, Ninh Thuan that we would like to implement similar model for Phuoc Khang

ASK [What BeCause will support]
  • A set of bookshelves, 10 folding tables and 10 books per student
  • Daily labor will be contributed by school and parents

Project Champion


  • Steven T   |   $50
  • My Truong   |   $50
  • Jimmy Nguyen   |   $50
  • Ha+Lananh Pham   |   $200
  • Nikki and John   |   $100
  • Linh Nguyen   |   $100
  • james pham   |   $100
  • Denise Chau   |   $50