Phuoc Khanh Elementary School
This campaign
failed to reach its
funding goal
1 year ago
- Number of Students: 268 | 10% Low Income
BeCause has made a remarkable impact on the educational system in terms of transforming the literacy skills into Raglai ethnic students in the last 6 years in Bac Ai and Thuan Bac. Our strategy in the years of 2023 – 2026 will scale up our library model in Ninh Phuoc and Ninh Son.
Upon our current field trip in May, the DoET & teachers stated that school has an existing library in pretty dismal shape – dark and cluttered. There are not enough books and most are knowledge/text books. School wanted to promote the literacy skills and create quiet library reading nooks and reading circles for underprivileged students, but can hardly afford it due to limited budget.
The current state of the library room is being used for storage and not conducive to leaning and attractive for the students to come.
BeCause’s recent library projects in Ninh Son, Ninh Thuan that we would like to implement similar model for Phuoc Khang
- A set of bookshelves, 10 folding tables and 10 books per student
- Daily labor will be contributed by school and parents
Steven T | $50
My Truong | $50
Jimmy Nguyen | $50
Ha+Lananh Pham | $200
Nikki and John | $100
Linh Nguyen | $100
james pham | $100
Denise Chau | $50