My Son C Elementary School
This campaign
failed to reach its
funding goal
2 months ago
School Statistics
- Number of Students: 297 I 46% low income students I 100% ethnic students
- My Son C Elementary School is located in My Son commune where majority of the population are growing corns and cassavas in the fields for living. During rainy season, people also work at coffee fields in Lam Dong to earn extra income. This alternative income source would help parents to keep their children in school.
- School shared with us during an in-depth interview that a playground/exercise area and school supplies are their highest needs. The project will bring the impacts to school by preparing an exercise class for students to have fun and keep them physically active at the same time. The teachers would like to make the school a happy and fun place so that they will stay longer in school after lunch break.
- The project combined of school supplies and playground are a significant way to enhance the education quality. There were also two libraries which BeCause has partnered with schools to boost the literacy skills in the last two years.
- Install a mobile playground with recycled materials
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